Gas Cylinders in Fires - What you Should Know
Gas cylinders are designed to contain gases under pressure.
However, cylinders are at risk of failure and may rupture due to the combined effects of increasing pressure and weakening of the cylinder wall when exposed to extreme heat – therefore it is important that users understand how to respond in the event of a fire.
Operator actions in the event of an emergency
Isolate the leak by turning off the cylinder valve
Control the fire using a dry powder fire extinguisher
If a gas cylinder is involved in a fire:
Do not approach or attempt to move the cylinder or operate the valve – keep away
Raise the alarm
Evacuate the immediate area and keep others away
Contact the Fire & Rescue Service
Inform the Fire & Rescue Service of the location, quantity and type of gases involved
Should any cylinders be involved in a fire do not use, quarantine & inform your cylinder supplier
Further information is available via BCGA ‘Leaflet L6 Cylinders in Fires’ is free to download
Acetylene Gas Cylinders in Fires – additional information
The actions above also apply to acetylene cylinders.
However,due to acetylene’s ability to burn within the cylinder, even when external fires may have been extinguished, additional measures are required.
The Fire & Rescue Service will adopt the following procedures:
Apply cooling water to the cylinder for 1 hour
Undertake monitoring/cooling measures for a further 1 hour
Repeat if necessary