Step 1 - Once you receive your welcome email after buying a group, follow the link to our
website and Login.
Step 2 - Now that you are logged in select "Group Management" from within the blue bar.
Step 3 - You will then be presented with a drop down menu of all your groups. Select the group you want to manage.
Step 4 - You will then be able to see a report to show each users progress (this will be empty until you upload the users). To add your users select the "Users" drop down button - There are 2 methods of doing this.
Method 1.1 - Select "Add multiple" this will open up the "Bulk add & invite users" list.
Method 1.2 - Fill in the tables providing the users details, if you leave the password column empty an auto generated password will be set.
Method 1.3 - Then select "Add & invite users".
Method 1.4 - Once "Add & invite users" button has been pressed, the users will receive a "welcome email" providing them with a link to the course, their username and their password.
The users then have 3 months to complete before their course expires.
Method 2.1 - Alternatively you can select "Upload users" from the drop down.
Method 2.2 - Then select "Download a sample .csv file". Once this has downloaded fill it in ensuring all user details are correct and you do not edit the column titles (e.g. user_email).
Method 2.3 - Save the file to your computer and select the button "Choose File", then locate the file that you just saved.
Method 2.4 - Ensure you have then selected the "Add and invite users" selection at the top of the box.
Method 2.5 - You can then press the "Add users" button, this will assign the users to the course and send them a automatic email with their username and password.
If no password was set in the .csv file an auto generated password will be set per user.